About Me

Tom 0' Dwyer is the front of Goreysportsmassage. He has a background in fitness and leisure management and is ITEC qualified in Sports Massage Therapy. My mission is to keep you preforming at your best
Tom 0' Dwyer
front of Goreysportsmassage

I have a background in fitness and leisure management. A qualified gym instructor and ITEC qualified in Sports massage therapy.

What are the Benefits of Sports Massage Therapy?

Activities and intense exercise can be stressful.’ on the body.
Th. means choosing the right kind of massage method for an active lifestyle and body. The purpose of a deep tissue massage, for example, is to treat chronic pain and ongoing tension,to stretch the muscle, elongate foods, and mobilize soft tissue adhesions.
Sports massage therapy is specifically designed to support and enhance the performance, recovery, and relaxation of people (typically athletes) who are frequently and/or intensely physically active.

Recovery Recovering from an injury or physical strain is different for every athlete.
The specific recovery program an athlete, coach, physical therapist, or physician decides on will depend on the athlete’s personal medical history, and what sport they play or physical activity they engage in.
For example, the recovery of a Rugby injury will likely be different than that of a gymnast. Consequently,their massages are going to be different, as well.
Sports massage therapy can be customized based on specific needs, challenges, and if necessary, injuries. The ability to identify and treat specific physical weaknesses can have a positive effect on athletic performance.

The Removal of Toxins is Another part of athletic recovery that is enhanced by sports massage therapy this is the release and removal of toxins from the muscles.
When the muscles are engaged for long periods of time and the body challenged,lactic acid can build up and toxins can begin to affect certain tissues.
This lactic acid increase can create painful knots and uncomfortable binding throughout the body. A toxic build up can decrease athletic ability quickly and significantly. It can also affect areas of life outside of sport or activity.
Lactic add can be problematic in day-to-day movements and tasks, though ft is hardly the only toxin the muscles and tissues store. Sports massage therapy helps work and loosen the muscle fibers of overworked areas to relieve lactic acid, along with all of the other painful toxins in the muscles and tissues,so that the body can remove and discard them quickly and efficiently.

Better Sleep. Sports massage therapy can help facilitate and deepen sleep. Sleep is an under addressed part of physical rehabilitation that is neglected far too often.
Chaotic sleep patterns and poor quality of sleep can seriously impact the body’s ability to function physically, let alone perform at its best.
Any sport played or physical activity engaged in will suffer If sleep needs are not met and appropriately prioritised. Getting adequate rest is essential for general health and overall physical performance, but is especially important if the body is physically challenged.
Massages that are specifically focused on chosen activities and lifestyle can help relieve discomfort and provide the support that will allow the creation and maintenance of healthy sleep habits.

Performance Enhancement. Athletes not experiencing any physical damage or difficulty can participate in regularly scheduled maintenance massages to help improve athletic performance.
Sports massage therapy gives support to the areas of the body worked by specific sport or exercise activities. This ldnd of activity conscious treatment and assessment can help heighten an athlete’s abilities and provide them with the physical support necessary to pursue and achieve their goals.
Muscle and taint attention through sports massage therapy can greatly assist athletic performance. When muscles are regularly massaged by a professionally trained sports massage therapist, an athlete decreases their risk of injury. Massage provides the support that the body needs to perform safely and confidently.
If an athlete’s muscles are knotted and overly stressed it will be difficult for them to supporrtheir body when playing a competitive sport or participating in rigorous exercise. This can lead to further muscle damage, intensified discomfort, and can even cause injury.
A body’s taints need the muscles around them to be fully engaged and strong enough to safely and fully support the body’s movements. It also far easier to strain muscles that are already tight. Regular therapeutic sports massage helps the body from being dependent on bound muscles and weak joints for support when it is time to perform.